Younger Elementary (grades K-3) have academics
Monday - Thursday 9:00AM - 2:45PM.
Upper Elementary & Middle School academics 9:00AM-2:45PM with a 40 min break for lunch and recess.
Friday schedule:
9:00AM - 12:30PM
Enrichments / One on One Tutoring sessions for all grades K-12:
Monday - Friday after school.
High School academics
Monday - Thursday
9:00AM - 2:45PM.
Fridays 9:00AM - 12:30PM
Note: Many have asked why classes like PE and ART are not interwoven in the day - it is because if we do that, we would need to teach to the Florida state standards and assign grades.
EHCS does not agree with placing a grade on subjects like "gardening" and "archery," which is why these classes are after school.
This also allows students to choose their favorite specials instead of being assigned to all of them regardless of interest.
Our philosophy is that enrichment classes are supposed to be fun, and being assigned to one may not always be fun.
All groups have regular breaks. Students can eat when hungry.
We prefer students bring healthy snacks low in sugar and chemicals.
Timeless Teachings in a Changing World
Our curriculum is based on a mash up of research-based models and is inspired by Maria Montessori, Leah Bortins, global education models, and cutting edge research at our own University of South Florida. At Educational Harbor, students and parents have a say in how they learn. Students get to choose not only research topics, but a foreign language, their own reading materials, and how they will learn math. Please read our curriculum guide for more information.
Our class sizes are small, capping at 12 students. This allows students to work one-on-one with the teacher and receive accommodations that may be difficult to get in a traditional model. This includes specialized seating (or standing), extra breaks, special materials, and more. The teacher can also focus on each student's learning style, designing lessons that speak directly to the students. For example, If a student works best with music, we use that!
Our classes meet for four days during the week and often include private tutoring outside of class. Fridays we use for "Critical Thinking and Study Skills" (time for students to choose what to study, and how to study) as well as "clubs" which are fun activities such as Legos, Bible Crafting, Board games, and more. Critical Thinking and Study Skills also allows students to meet with classmates for projects and experiments and additional teacher assistance.
Students who are home schooled tend to accelerate faster than their traditionally-taught peers. Our blended model gives parents the comfort of being led by an experienced teacher while still giving their students the chance to flourish in their own way.
On Tuesdays, students, teachers, and parents gather for a weekly "chapel" service that includes singing, dancing, and preaching from local pastors on a variety of topics.
Students can also partake in a wide variety of outside classes at local businesses and museums. See LINKS for more information on extra classes we recommend.