World Literature
How are you being graded? Check out this page for details: World Literature Rubrics and Grades
Note: If you are on a cell phone, all buttons for this week will be near the bottom
1) Analyze ancient plays and early theatre
2) Recognize modern recreations of early theater
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
1) This week we will be doing a comedic Shakespeare, specifically "12th night" Here's a summary from Overly Sarcastic Production. Don't get caught up on seeing the gender identity issues through today's lens, it's literally a comedy of mistaken identity and it's really quite funny. Shakespeare Summarized: Twelfth Night - YouTube or you can watch this summary: Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare | Summary & Analysis - YouTube
2) Make sure you have a good idea of who the characters are: Twelfth Night Characters | GradeSaver.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
1) Watch a version of the play here: Twelfth Night 2019 - YouTube
Thursday, May 20, 2021
1) This weekend, you can watch one of two versions of this story:
Twelfth Night - YouTube (pretty true to the story)
She's The Man - YouTube (this is a modern-day version)
Monday, May 24, 2021
1) Use what you've learned last week about 12th night. Choose one of these essay topics to write a 5 paragraph essay about: Twelfth Night: Suggested Essay Topics | SparkNotes
2) Spend the week writing the essay.
Monday, May 10, 2021
1) This week we will be researching Moliere, a French playwriter from the Renaissance era. Start by watching this introduction on French theater, including Moliere: Moliere - Man of Satire and Many Burials: Crash Course Theater #21 - YouTube . There is an accompanying worksheet on the worksheet page. "Notes on Moliere"
2) Read this web site about Moliere's top 5 plays. Top 5 Best Plays by Molière - Discover Walks Blog
3) Begin watching the play "The Miser" Lindisfarne present The Miser by Moliere - YouTube
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
1) Finish watching the play "The Miser"
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
1) Complete this quick quiz: The Miser - Moliere quiz: 8 questions by Ivan Soldo (
2) The Miser Summary | SuperSummary Use this summary for review.
3) Choose one of these questions to write a short 5-paragraph essay about. Outline it today: The Miser Questions (
Thursday, May 13, 2021
1) Write the 5-paragraph essay using your outline from yesterday.
Monday, May 3, 2021
1) Watch this video: (13) Greek Theatre: Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripedes Part I: Introduction - YouTube
2) The first Greek play we are going to examine is "Elektra" by Sophocles. Please watch the following videos and take notes. You will send me pics of your notes. You should have at least one page of notes:
Remember the Trojan war from the Illiad, Aeneid, and the Odyssey? Go back to that.
Background of the story: (13) Classics Summarized: The Oresteia - YouTube
(13) Electra by Sophocles | Characters - YouTube
(13) Electra by Sophocles | Plot Summary - YouTube
(13) Electra by Sophocles | Themes - YouTube
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Watch the play "Elektra" here: (13) Elektra by CBS Theatre - YouTube
It is 1 hour and 20 minutes long. You should watch, at minimum, 1 hour of it.
While you are watching,
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Finish watching the play "Elektra"
Read these essay choices and choose one on which to write. Create an outline today. The final essay needs to have specific aspects of the story, so if you don't understand something, you can discuss it with your friends or ask me. Electra by Sophocles Essay Questions | GradeSaver
Play this Kahoot:
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Quick Essay. Choose one of these topics and write a 5-paragraph essay on Elektra. Electra by Sophocles Essay Questions | GradeSaver This is DUE no later than Monday.
Objectives this week (Same objective as last week):
1) Identify and describe logical fallacies used in arguments
2) Describe satire and explain its use in "Animal Farm" by G. Orwell
Monday March 29
1) Read / listen to chapter 6 and 7
2) Work with your classmates to discuss the related worksheet
3) Catch up on any missing work and turn in.
Tuesday, March 30
1) Read / listen to chapter 8
2) work with your classmates to discuss the related worksheet
3) Catch up on any missing work and turn in.
Wednesday, March 31
1) Read / listen to chapter 9
2) work with your classmates to discuss the related worksheet
3) Catch up on any misisng work and turn in
Thursday, April 1
1) Read / listen to chapter 10
2) work with your classmates to discuss the related worksheet
4) prepare for the test / projet next week.
Monday, March 22
1) Turn in all Screwtape Letter stuff, including the test (Z take test)
2) Complete the Screwtape Letter project (due today)
2) Read the Wiki on George Orwell to get an idea of why he wrote Animal Farm
3) Watch the video on logical fallacies (you will view many videos on Fallacies this week. You can also use my book The Fallacy Detective to become acquainted with logical fallacies. Take notes on the 10 fallacies in the video and turn them in. (2) Top 10 Logical Fallacies - YouTube
Tuesday, March 23
1) Animal Farm chapters 1. You can listen to the audiobook here: (2) George Orwell - Animal Farm (Audio book) Complete HD - Full Book. - YouTube
2) Complete the worksheets for chapters 1 and 2 (on the worksheet page)
Re-watch the logical fallacies, or borrow a book from me. You will need it to respond to chapter 3 questions of Animal Farm.
Wednesday, March 24
1) Read / listen to chapters 2 and 3 of Animal Farm.
Use the Logical Fallcies book or video to help with ch 3 worksheet
2) Complete the related worksheets
Thursday, March 25
1) Read / listen to chapters 4 and 5 of Animal Farm
2) Complete the related worksheets
3) Catch up on any missing work
Monday, March 1
1) There will be a quiz on chapters 11-25 today
2) Reach chapters 26-27 and complete related questions
3) Make sure your word study is done (all 6 packets / up to p. 26)
The Screwtape Letters (Narrated by John Cleese) - YouTube (you can use this link for the whole book)
Tuesday, March 2
We will be doing IOWA test today
1) Read chapters 28 and 29 and related questions
Wednesday, March 3
IOWA testing
1) Read chapters 30 and 31 and related questions
Thursday, March 4
IOWA testing
1) Make sure you've turned in all Screwtape Letter packets
2) Pick a final project.
Monday, February 22
1) There will be a quiz on chapters 1-10 today.
2) Read chapters 17 and 18 of Screwtape letters and complete related questions
3) Complete word study day 4. I will email it to you if you are absent.
The Screwtape Letters (Narrated by John Cleese) - YouTube (you can use this link for the whole book)
Tuesday, February 23
1) Read chapters 19 and 20 of Screwtape Letters and complete questions
2) Complete word study day 5
Wednesday, February 24
1) Chapters 21 and 22 of Screwtape Letters and complete questions
2) Complete word study day 6
Thursday, February 25
1) Chapters 22, 23, and 24 of Screwtape Letters with related questions
2) There will be a quiz on chapters 11-20 on Monday
3) No word study today. Catch up if you're behind. Club day tomorrow.
Monday, February 15
1) Read chapters 9 and 10 of The Screwtape Letters. Remember, you can listen to it here: 1 -The Screwtape Letters (Narrated by John Cleese) - YouTube (you can use this link for the whole book)
2) Answer the related questions.
3) What are some questions you've had since you've started reading this book? Have they been answered? Write your response in a discussion post on the discussion board
Tuesday, February 16
1) Expect to have an oral quiz with Ms. Stacey on what you've ready so far (chapters 1-10). She will pull each student aside individually and ask what you've read so far. YOU are responsible for making sure you talk to her today.
2) Read chapters 11 and 12 and complete the related questions.
Wednesday, February 17
1) Read chapters 13 and 14 and complete related questions
Thursday, February 18
1) Read chapters 15 and 16 and complete related questions
Monday, February 8
1) Read the preface of The Screwtape Letters
2) Use the packet to identify the characters. Make little drawings of each character to help you remember.
3) Read Chapter 1 and 2. Here is the audiobook by chapter: 1 -The Screwtape Letters (Narrated by John Cleese) - YouTube (you can use this link for the whole book)
4) Complete the questions for chapters 1 and 2. Either turn in a paper copy or type up the answers and send in as a document. Include the Bible look up. Don't skip that part. There are digital copies on our "Worksheets" page
This youtube playlist has summaries for each chapter to help you understand; The Screwtape Letters with summaries - YouTube
Tuesday, February 9
1) Read (and/or listen to) The Screwtape Letters chapters 3 and 4
2) Complete the questions for chapters 3 and 4. Include the Bible look up. Don't skip that part.
3) Write a discussion post answering the following: What are your first thoughts about this book? What feelings do you get from it? Why?
Wednesday, February 10
1) Read (and/or listen to) The Screwtape Letters chapters 5 and 6
2) Complete the questions for chapters 5 and 6. Inlude the Bible look up.
3) Complete this kahoot quiz for chapters 1-4 (Kahoot ID 0610092)
Thursday, February 11
1) Read (and/or listen to) The Screwtape Letters chapters 7 and 8
2) Complete the questions for chapters 7 and 8. Include the Bible part.
3) Write a discussion post for the following question:
4) Make sure you've turned everything in!
Monday, February 1
1) Download the power point for this week. Read, discuss, and watch the videos. Chapter 15 on Flight
2) Sister Raven: The book needs to be finished this week. Read ch 13
2) The Alchemist: The book needs to be finished this week
3) Do the white slide at the end of the section
4) Here is a summary video on Flight: How to Read Literature Like A Professor- Ch. 15: Fights of Fancy - YouTube
Tuesday, February 2
1) Read the next chapter in the power point on Baptism
2) Sister Raven: Read ch 14
3) Do the white slide at the end of the section
4) Video summary: Ch 18: Baptism: How to read literature like a professor - YouTube
Wednesday, February 3
1) Read the next chapter on the power point Geography
2) Sister Raven: Ch 15 / Alchemist work on finishing your book
3) Do the white slide at the end of the section
4) Summary on 19 and 20 How to Read Like a Professor- Chapters 19 & 20 - YouTube
Thursday, February 4
1) Read the next chapter on the power point on seasons
1) Here's a video on seasons: Ch 20: So Does Season: How to read literature like a professor - YouTube
2) Sister Raven: Ch 16 (should be complete)
3) Do the kahoot quiz:
Monday, January 25
1) Download this power point. Read, discuss, and watch the videos in the power point.
2) Do the assignment on the WHITE slide at the end of that section.
3) Read "The Alchemist" (Xavier / Alex) or "Sister Raven" (everyone else) Chapter 9. You may need to stop periodically and discuss what is going on. NO ONE should be on their phone at this time.
Tuesday, Jan 26
1) Open the power point back up. Do chapter 12.
2) Complete the assignment on the WHITE slide at the end of the section
3) Read Sister Raven Ch 10 (second class) and Xavier and Alex "The Alchemist" There is a video summary on symbolism below.
Wednesday, Jan 27
1) Open the power point back up. Do chapter 13
2) Complete the assignment on the WHITE slide at the end of the section
3) Sister Raven, Ch 11. Xavier and Alex "The Alchemist" There is a video summary on politics below.
Thursday, Jan 28
1) Open the power point back up. Do ch 14
2) Complete the Kahoot Quiz:
3) Catch up on any missing work
Tuesday, Jan 19
1) "How to Read Literature Like a Professor" Chapter "It's More than just Rain or Snow" Read it in a group and take turns. (There are two different versions of this book, so the chapter numbers may be off)
2) Watch the video explanation here: How to Read Literature Like a Professor 9,14, and 20 - YouTube. This video clearly is about chapters 9, 14, and 20. You just need to watch the bit about chapter 9.
3) Take a look at my response example here: Example Response
4) Write your own response to chapter 9, including a pop culture example. Post this in the Discussion Board. (Link on the left)
5) Complete the online vocabulary tutorial (click button). Send me a screen shot of the final page.
1) "How to Read Literature Like a Professor" Chapter together "Never Stand Next to the Hero". Here's a video explanation of the video: How To Read Literature Like a Professor Ch 10 & 11 - YouTube
2) Read Sister Raven chapter 7 and 8 together. I do have an audio book of this. Please come get my device so you can listen to it together.
3) Write in the discussion board below. Be sure to add that it is Tuesday's response. Summarize chapters 7 and 8 and tie it to something you've learned in "How to Read Literature Like a Professor."
4) Complete the online punctuation 1 tutorial (click button). Send me a screen shot of the final page.
1) Read "How to Read Literature Like a professor" chapter on Symbols. Here is a video explanation of the chapter: Ch 12: Symbols: How to read literature like a professor - YouTube
2) Read Sister Raven chapter 9 together. Why, do you think, are they ravens? Why aren't they blue birds? Are they important to Native American culture? Spend some time researching the significance of ravens in literature. Here's a web site to get you started: Raven Symbolism and Raven Meaning on Whats-Your-Sign (
3) On the discussion board, answer the question above about why the author of "Sister Raven" used ravens and not another bird.
4) Complete the online punctuation 2 tutorial. Send me a screen shot of the final page with your name on it.
Quiz on Chapters 1-10 on "How to Read Literature Like a Professor" :